Increase the retention rate of women at all levels of your organization.
Best Practices Toolkit
Increase the Retention Rate of Women at All Levels of Your Organization
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5 Steps to Encourage Leaders to Elevate Women
The Women’s Leadership Institute's mission is to elevate the talents of women in business and politics. We work to shift companies’ mindsets to understand better the impact of elevating women through the business talent pipeline. Again and again, we have found...
How to start an Employee Resource Group
“After several decades, ERGs are still an effective strategy to help all employees feel a sense of equity and belonging at their workplace. The most effective employee resource group programs often have a few attributes in common” –ForbesEmployee resource groups are a...
Money for your Return-to-Work Program: Talent Ready Utah announces the Return-To-Work Grant Request for Proposals
Talent Ready Utah has announced the Return-To-Work Grant Request for Proposals. During the 2022 legislative session, the Utah State Legislature authorized a grant program for business entities, through HB 333, to offer innovative return-to-work programs for employees...
Want to retain women? Be an ally.
This past year has been one of change for the job market. In fact, in the September 2021 issue of Harvard Business Review, their research found “employees between 30 and 45 years old have had the greatest increase in resignation rates, with an average increase of more than 20% between 2020 and 2021.” Twenty percent! This is indeed significant and worth a moment to consider.
Celebrating Utah Companies Championing Working Mothers
Childcare for working mothers has been a pain point for a long time and some women are at a breaking point. Especially with the variables of the pandemic, this particular concern has been upended for many workers and is affecting them in a variety of ways. One of...
Pandemic Pain Points for Women
At WLI, we watch the trends in regards to women in the workforce. We are paying particular attention to the research surfacing about the intersection of working women and the pandemic. The pandemic uncovered a pain point that women, particularly working mothers, have...
Gap on your resume? How to find a job and still balance work and family
This article, written by Nicole Carpenter, originally published as an article on KSL.com.View original article or continue reading… Gap on your resume? How to find a job and still balance work and family.Many women struggle to reenter the workplace after...
How to add flexibility to your workplace (and why you should even care)
The strict nine-to-five workday is out and a flexible workday is in. And companies lacking flexibility will find themselves lacking talent too. Over the past four years there has been a 24% increase in the number of people who say flexible work...
Five Easy Fixes For Gender-Friendly Job Posts
Is your company struggling to attract female applicants for an open position? Your job posting could be to blame. Studies show, men apply for a job when they feel they meet only 60% of the qualifications. However, women apply only if they believe they meet 100% of the...
Best Practices to Attract Female Employees
Utah currently sits at a very low 3.1 percent unemployment rate. This is great for Utah, but rough for companies who need better candidates in their pipeline. The Women's Leadership Institute proposes a solution to this pipeline problem: women. Utah has an...