Increase the number of women on your organization’s board of directors and encourage women to serve on community and corporate boards.
March Open Board Positions in Salt Lake County
Updated March 1, 2019The Salt Lake County (SLCO) Mayor’s Office is currently seeking applicants for the SLCO Boards and Commissions listed below. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please pass the word along. Here at WLI, we are...
February Open Board Positions in Salt Lake County
Updated January 31, 2019The Salt Lake County (SLCO) Mayor’s Office is currently seeking applicants for the SLCO Boards and Commissions listed below. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please pass the word along. Here at WLI, we are...
January Open Board Positions in Salt Lake County
Updated January 2, 2019The Salt Lake County (SLCO) Mayor’s Office is currently seeking applicants for the SLCO Boards and Commissions listed below. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please pass the word along. Here at WLI, we are...
November Open Board Positions in Salt Lake County
Updated November 1, 2018 The Salt Lake County (SLCO) Mayor’s Office is currently seeking applicants for the SLCO Boards and Commissions listed below. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please pass the word along. Here at WLI, we are...
September Open Board Positions in Salt Lake County
Updated September 19, 2018 The Salt Lake County (SLCO) Mayor’s Office is currently seeking applicants for the SLCO Boards and Commissions listed below. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please pass the word along. Here at WLI, we are...
Video: Diversity in the Boardroom
WLI CEO Patricia Jones sits down with Utah Business Staff to discuss the importance of diversity and creative thinking in the boardroom. Pat was a 2018 Outstanding Directors honoree. Every year, Utah Business honors board members who have gone above and...
ElevateHER Challenge: A Case Study – Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
This article was written by Dr. Jessica D. Egbert and Dr. Sandy Pennington, both with Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (RMUoHP), an accredited graduate institution located in Provo that is dedicated to...
June Open Board Positions in Salt Lake County
Updated June 5, 2018 The Salt Lake County (SLCO) Mayor’s Office is currently seeking applicants for the SLCO Boards and Commissions listed below. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please pass the word along. Here at WLI, we are...
Bring a folding chair: women on boards
Shirley Chisholm, the first woman elected to the United States Congress in 1968, famously stated, “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” For the past 50 years, this statement has been a rallying cry for women in political...
April Open Board Positions in Salt Lake County
Updated April 5, 2018 The Salt Lake County (SLCO) Mayor’s Office is currently seeking applicants for the SLCO Boards and Commissions listed below. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please pass the word along. Here at WLI, we are...